the freaks come out at night

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

this past weekend i got to celebrate halloween with some of the funnest people around (kai & ash!).  we danced the night away, gorged ourselves with cheap beer and fireball, and laughed into the wee hours of the night.  there may have even been a little ballet and interpretive dance action somewhere in there.  I've said it before and i will probably say it again, but halloween is on the low low side of my favorite holiday list.  but, after this weekend, i can definitely say that if my halloween is spent this way, with these people, for the rest of my life, halloween may just become one of my favorites

all photos by miss kai


Ash said...


EFF to the YES.

Ash said...


EFF to the YES.

BKCsquared said...

You all look AWESOME! & Kai's mask is so scary!!

xo, B

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